Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes

A completed consignment note must accompany hazardous waste when it is moved from a premise. Rubo can produce these documents for you, and confirm that all the correct details and permits have been used, including;

Our knowledgeable and friendly team will be here to take the hassle out of your waste management. We pride ourselves on our customer service, reliable waste collections, and environmentally friendly waste management.

Trust Rubo as your hazardous waste management partner. We are the ‘one-stop-shop’ for your waste disposal needs.

What is a Hazardous Waste Consignment Note?

Hazardous waste consignment notes are legal documents that must accompany any hazardous waste collection. They are there to provide information and help ensure the waste is safely transported and disposed of. They are similar to Dangerous Goods Notes used for shipping chemicals.

Hazardous waste consignment notes are broken down into 5 parts:

PART A Notification details

This section includes basic details on the hazardous waste shipment, including:

  • The Consignment Note Code (a unique code generated for every waste shipment)

  • The Waste Producer’s address & contact details

  • The Disposal Site’s address & contact details

PART B Description of the waste

This section gives a detailed list of the wastes to be transported, and information on its production, including;

  • The process giving rise to the waste, including the Specific Industry Code (SIC)

  • A Description of waste

  • EWC code - European Waste Catalogue Code

  • HP Code - Hazard Property Code

  • The chemical/biological components in the waste

  • The quantity, physical form, container type number & size

  • UN identification Number, Proper shipping name, UN Class, & Packaging Group

  • Any other Special Handling Requirments

PART C Carrier’s certificate

This section gives details on the waste carrier/haulier, including;

  • The haulier’s name & contact details

  • The carrier registration no (only licenced waste carriers can Ship waste)

  • The vehicle’s registration number

PART D Consignor’s certificate

This is one of the most important sections of the Hazardous Waste Consignment Note. Is signed by the waste producer that they certify:

the information in A, B and C has been completed and is correct, that the carrier is registered or exempt and was advised of the appropriate precautionary measures. All of the waste is packaged and labelled correctly and the carrier has been advised of any special handling requirements.

that I have fulfilled my duty to apply the waste hierarchy as required by Regulation 12 of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011.

PART E Consignee’s certificate

This is the final disposal certificate and records;

  • Quantity of each EWC code received

  • Waste management operation (Disposal, Recycling, or Recovery)

  • What date & time the waste was received

  • The waste permit operation number, and disposal site address

This is signed by a competent person at the disposal site and is kept for 5 years as a record of the waste transferred.

If you need help with your hazardous waste consignment notes, our team is here to help.